Day 0

Day 0: My Goal


I’ve decided that every day in the month of August I’m going to try and ship something, preferably exploring a variety of frameworks and disciplines.

Tentatively, I’m hoping to meet the following criteria every day:

I expect to discover that these conditions will be untenable within a week and will modify the conditions as required. I suspect that a day will be fine for getting introduced to a framework or technology but that at some point I’ll want to go deeper and might revisit projects.

Shipping is hard and I’m incompetent. I’m guessing some projects (fullstack in particular) will ship easily, some will require extra effort, and a few will require packaging skills that are beyond me.

My fields of interest include ML, fullstack, CLI, graphics, systems, and perhaps crypto.

  1. and potentially longer form resources such as textbooks on weekends. ↩︎

Interactive Graph