Day 5
Day 5: Comma and EJS
- Scope out the calibration challenge
- Do some Eloquent Javascript for content
Comma AI Challenge
I’ve mostly looked into the ML side of things since there are a lot of options there. Definitely need to research some deep math because I think an expert system would be better given the limited training set (5 videos).
It’s cool to read about fancy ML stuff though, so here are some repos I’ve looked at:
I made a cool graph of the repo for this garden with a Github action. Courtesy of the Github OCTO project that wrote this article. I think it’s pretty cool and will definitely be using their explorer to quickly grok new codebases.
I wrote some stuff, largely obvious things that I already know here .
I’ve been thinking about what I want from computer science. I want to be a naive JS programmer and import solutions to my problems. The ocean of compsci is vast and there is terrifying depth that no human can fully explore in a single lifetime. What I want most is to work with other people but I need to get to the point where I am the type of person I want to be on a team with.
Fundamentals are important to me but I think I need to balance them against actually shipping projects and getting practical work out there. So far, I’ve been leaning towards fundamentals too much since I can’t find the time to ship something daily or even get much work in between hitting the gym, working, and socializing.
I’m going to participate in BSides Noida this weekend, so tomorrow I might look at some CTF tooling.
This browser JS stuff will be a very useful jumping off point for actual JS frameworks. Over the next week, my short projects will be chapters of Eloquent JS probably.
YOLO’s versioning seems arbitrary and makes no sense to me. My understanding is that it’s a framework multiple groups have implemented and each group increments the number just for the hell of it. ↩︎